History of Bangor

 THE Borough of Bangor embraces within its limits a tract of five hundred 
and fifty acres, of ground, situated in the northern part of Washington 
township, on Martins Creek, and also being on the line of the proposed 
South Mountain Railroad, fourteen miles from Easton. The town owes its 
existence to the discovery, and successful working of the slate quarries, 
at and around that point.

  About eleven years ago, R. M. Jones, Esq., from Caernarvonshire, North 
Wales a practical geologist and slate-quarrying expert, followed the slate 
strata from the Delaware river to this Point, and finding here combined, 
the three indispensable conditions for profitable slate production, viz: 
slate, soft and tough in quality, unlimited in quantity, and lying in a 
good and accessible location, he, in company with Jacob P. Scholl, of 
Bethlehem, and Samuel Straub of Bath, purchased the farm of P. Labar, and, 
on the first of August 1866, these gentlemen (having associated with them, 
Messrs. Salad. Lewis, of Allentown; Francis Weiss and E. T. Foster, of 
Bethlehem; and A. L. Foster, of Mauch Chunk); commenced quarrying, under 
the superintendency of Mr. Jones.  The name of Bangor, was given to the 
quarry and the locality, on account of the similarity of their natural 
features, to those of the town arid quarries if Bangor, in Wales.

  The Elmira Slate Quarry, the second opened, is situated on property 
bought by E. R. Wheeler and C. Smith, of Elmira, N, Y., from R. M. Jones, 
is on the northwest side ofthe valley, opposite the Bangor Quarry.

  The North Bangor Slate Manufacturing Companys quarry, adjoining the 
Elmira Quarry, was opened by R. M. Jones and Adam R. Reese, in 1871, who 
transferred an interest to John Brown, of Easton, who is at present working 
the quarry. Hugh H. Preichard, superintendent.

  The Washington Slate Quarry was opened about 1869, by Philip Labar. 
William Bennett is the present superintendent.

  The Empire Slate Quarry was opened by G R. Labar, who sold it, for 
$8,500, to F. Hegeman and P. W. Money; they through R. M. Jones, sold it to 
Leinbach & Wooley, for $26,000, Jan. 3d, 1874. Shortly afterwards, they 
sold it for $125,000, to ex-Governor Brown of Florida, who now operates the 
quarry successfully.

  The Upper Bangor Slate Quarry was opened by W. & J. Bennett, who sold it 
to Moses M. Jones and William Brown, and it is now owned by M. K & R. M. 
Jones, S. B. Chase, Rev. James M. Salmon and G. W. Mackey, who are 
preparing for business under a charter, with a capital stock of $126,000. 
This, as well as the quarries before mentioned, are within the limits of 
the Borough of Bangor, which is entirely underlaid to an undefined depth 
with a quality of roofing and school slate, equal, if not superior to any 
in this country. There are some eight or nine quarries being worked, 
adjoining the borough line.

  The quantity of roofing slate produced at Bangor, is immense; an idea of 
the great magnitude of this trade, can only be obtained by a personal visit 
to this borough. The production during 1876, amounted to nearly 80,000 
squares, the greater part of which was shipped to England, arid the demand 
is constantly increasing.

  There is a large deposit of very fine blue flagging-stone, on farms, of 
R. M. Jones, which will be developed, and become a great source of income 
when either of the proposed railroads (the South Mountain or the Martins 
Creek) are completed.

  Bangor contains 
three hotels
five grocery and dry goods stores
one shoe store
one drug store, kept by E. P. Lutz


one grist-mill
two blacksmith shops
one tailor shop
six churches
a population of about 1,000 inhabitants, the greater portion of whom are 
engaged in the different branches of the peculiar industry of the place.

  The mechanics employed in manufacturing slate, are chiefly Welsh and 
English people, who do honor to their nationalities by their industry and 
moral conduct. They built, during 1874, four fine churches, viz:
First Presbyterian
Welsh Presbyterian
Welsh Congregational
English Methodist Episcopal Church


   Was erected in 1874. It is situated on Second street, near Market. The 
first pastor was Rev. James H. Salmon.


  Is located on First street. It was erected in 1874. Rev. Morgan A. Bills, 
was its first pastor. Services are conducted in the Welsh language.



  On First and Market streets, was erected in 1874, First pastor, Rev. John 

                        THE ENGLISH METHODIST CHURCH

  On Third street, near Pennsylvania Avenue, was built in 1874. Rev. 
Robinson, pastor.

  There are also one Evangelical and one Mennonite, Church, in Bangor.

                              PUBLIC SCHOOLS.

  There are five public schools in the borough.
 The present Board of School Directors, is as follows:
S. H. Saeger, President
Amos Buzzard, Secretary
William H. Snyder, Treasurer
B. F. Flory
John Wolf
Wm. Bennett


  The Broadway Hotel, corner of Broadway and Main streets, was built by
W. H. & Christian Spear, in 1871.


 The first proprietor was S. Anthony; the present landlord is G.A.M. Hower. 

                              AMERICAN HOTEL. 

  Was erected in 1869, by Philip Labar, who was the, first landlord. The 
present proprietor is S. Smith of Bethlehem, N. J.

                             THE BANGOR HOTEL

  Was purchased by the Bangor Slate Company, in 1866, First landlord, 
Israel Meninger. The present owner is Joseph Haugh.

                               ODD FELLOWS.

  Prosperity Lodge, No. 661 -Was instituted April 23d, 1869, with twenty 
charter members. The first officers were 

Peter F. Allen, Noble Grand
Joseph A. Long, Vice Grand
John Long, Secretary
Geo W. Heil, Assistant Secretary
John Slack, Treasurer.

Present number of members, 153; valuation of Lodge property, $2,882,62.

  The incorporation of Bangor, being of so recent a date, and the events of 
its short career being so closely interwoven with those of the slate 
interests of its vicinity, the borough cannot be said to have any history 
distinct from that of the quarrying enterprise, to which it owes its existence.

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