THE Borough of Portland located on the Delaware River, in the eastern
part of the township of Upper Mount Bethel, was incorporated a borough,
October 21st, 1876. The first election resulted in the choice of the
following officers, namely:
Burgess, William Fox
Members of Council-
John Lamb
Hugh Williams
Philip Datesman
John Ott
P. A. Frutchy
S. O Cortelyou
School Directors
S.L. Weidman
Jer. Reimer
S. Hagerman
Joseph Wise
S. L Flint
John F. Rader
Constable, Enoch Frutchy
Assessor, Reuben Wise
T. J. Mends
P. J. Ott
George E. Labar was appointed Judge of Election
William Kappel and H. L. Brands, Inspectors
Justices of the Peace- William L. Bowman and Jesse Pearson
Having been but a few months organized, the Borough of Portland has no
history distinct from that of Upper Mount Bethel township, of which it was
originally a part.