The History of Salisbury
A HISTORY of LEHIGH COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA Published by James J. Haurer 1902
Salisbury is bounded on the northeast by the Lehigh River, northwest by South Whitehall Township, southeast by Upper Saucon township, southwest by Upper Milford and Lower MacungieTownships. Population in 1900 was 4,583. It was organized in 1753 as a township. The surface is rolling and the soil very fertile, The Lehigh Mountains form the southern boundary, between Salisbury and Upper Saucon townships. The most important streams that drain the township are the Little Lehigh, Trout and Little Trout creeks. The principal occupations of the people are farming, manufacturing and mining. Iron ore is found along the Lehigh Mountains. The first settlement was made in 1736, on what is now the Geissinger farm on the Lehigh River, by Solomon Jennings. The oldest homesteads are Lorentz Klein a few miles west of Allentown on the Little Lehigh settled by Christian Kassel in 1730 and Jacob Bogert’s place on the same creek a few miles from Klein’s farm, settled by Peter Bogert in 1735. Both of the farms are still in the possession of the Klein and Bogert families. The first public house was licensed in 1786, and was kept by Martin Ritter. Salisbury church was built in 1741 is situated on a hill, overlooking the Little Lehigh creek, one and one-half miles north of Emaus. The first Lutheran minister was the Rev. J. W. Straub; the first Reformed minister known was the Rev. J. P. Leydich. Tradition says that over a hundred years ago a church stood on the site of what is now Jerusalem Church; the graveyard belonging to it is still in use. The present church was erected in 1843. The first Lutheran minister of the present church was the late venerable Rev.Joshua Yeager; the first Reformed minister was the Rev. Max Stem. The Mountainville Evangelical church was built in 1863.
Salisbury had few schools originally: those living near Bethlehem sent their children to that place; those living near Emaus to that place; and those living in the vicinity of the Salisbury church to that place. One of the oldest schoolhouses was Markle’s, built in 1820. The schools are in fine condition and compare well with the other schools of the county.
VILLAGES-Mountainville, was founded in 1856, contains three stores, two hotels, church, and carriage factory and is on the Allentown and Coopersburg turnpike and Allentown and Emaus electric road. Population in 1900 was 250. South Allentown, a suburb of Allentown, contains a number of stores, hotels, churches, flour mill, and furnace. The Allentown and Bethlehem Electric railroad passes through it. The population in 1900 was 2,000. The State Fishery in the western part of Salisbury is a fine place for pleasure parties and the fish hatchery is well worth visiting.