The History of Lower Milford Township
A HISTORY of LEHIGH COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA Published by James J. Haurer 1902
Lower Milford Township lies in the southern part of the county, and is bounded on the northeast by Upper Saucon Township, southwest by Bucks County, and northwest by Upper Milford Township, and southwest by Montgomery County. Population according to the census of 1900 was 1133. It was organized a separate township in 1847. The soil is very fertile, being shale and gravel and very productive, the surface is very irregular. Farming is the principal pursuit of the people. The following hills are within the township, Hosensack Hill (Muehlberg) in the southern part, Chestnut Hill in the northeastern part, Mosser’s Ridge (Dillingers) in the northwestern part, Mill Ridge in the central part. Hosensack creek rises on the west side of Chestnut Hill, flows southwest into the Perkiomen creek, Dubbs, Eberhard, Dickenshied, Schantz, Walter, Indian, Trump, Swamp, Hickens, Saucon, Krauss and Ortt’s creeks are the other streams which drain the township. The first settlement was undoubtedly made in 1715, about one-fourth mile west of the Swamp Church, the building was still standing a few years ago and the date 1715 could still be seen on the mantel piece. The early settlers came principally from Germany as can be seen by the names of Schuler, Eberhard, Ortt, Yeakel, etc.
OLD LAND MARKS. The Old King’s High Road and the Great Philadelphia Road were the first roads in the township. Walbert’s tavern near Kraussdale which was founded in 1735 is now abandoned; Larosch’s tavern, between Hosensack and Zionsville on the property of the late Dr. John Ziegler, was opened in 1786, and is now abandoned; the Swamp church was built in 1730 near the county line of Lehigh and Bucks counties, on the road leading from Dillingereville to Spinnersville, it belongs to the Reformed denomination. Chestnut Hill Union church (Lutheran and Reformed) was founded in 1740; Schwenkfelder’s church was founded in 1755. Schools were early established and among the first schools were those at Swamp Church, 1725-30, Hosensack, 1734, Chestnut Hi11 is not known, Kraussdale, 1742. The sclools at the present time compare favorably with the schools of the other townships, there are eleven schools and term is seven months, John and Andrew Krauss, sons of Baltzer Krause, Jr., built their first organ in 1790, and continued the business in the vicinity of Kraussdale until 1840 when they moved their factory to Palm, Montgomery county, and it was there, for a long time, continued by George S. and Edwin B, Krauss.
The first grist mill was built in 1745 near Hosensack on the Hosensack creek, and was known as Kriebel’s mill; Schantz’s mill,1800 ; Gehrhard’s mill, 1785 ; Stauffer’s mill,1786 ; Heiler’s mill,1780 ; Heist’s (Walter’s) mill, 1790, and Dubbs’ mill, 1800. Among the other’ industries were Antrim’s Casement mill, Dubbs’ pottery, Dillinger’s oil mill, Burkhalter’s and Dubbs’ tanneries and Dubbs’ forge. Limestones are found in large quantities and limekilns for burning lime found everywhere. There are four creameries in the township at Hosensack, Kraussdale, Limeport and Plover, all of which are doing an excellent business.
VILLAGES-Dillingersville, is situated on the road leading from Zionsville to Spinnersville. It was founded in 1735, contains a store, hotel, post office and is the election place of the township. Population in 1900 was 150, Hosensack is situated on the old King’s High road, twelve miles southwest of Allentown. It was founded in 1759 and contains a store, hotel, creamery and post office. The Farmer’s Alliance of the lower end of the County has its headquarters there and are in good condition, Population 100. Limeport is on the road leading from Allentown to Steinsburg, it was founded in 1815, and contains two stores, two hotels, post office, creamery, limestone quarries and lime kilns, Population in 1900 was 200. Kraussdale, on the old King’s High road, founded in 1735, contains a creamery, grist mill and the machine shops of Krauss Bros. were until lately located here, Population in 1900 was 30. Corning, on the Perkiomen R.R. contains a store, post office and coal yard. Population in 1900 was 130. Plover, on the road leading from Dillingersville to the Swamp church, contains a store, creamery and post office, founded in 1881 by W.R. Schuler. Population in 1900 was 70.