The Borough of South Bethlehem

  AFTER the establishment of the Moravians at Bethlehem, in 1741, the 
Society purchased, from time to time, lands contiguous to their settlement, 
not only on the north but also on the south side of the Lehigh, until they 
became possessed of four large and valuable farms, in Lower Saucon and 
Salisbury townships, opposite and above the town. 

  Without following the history of these through the earlier years, it is 
sufficient, as regards their connection with the annals of South Bethlehem, 
that in the year 1847, these four farms, known as 
the "Luckenbach Farm,"
the "Jacobi Farm," 
the "Fuehrer Farm," 
the " Hoffert Farm," were sold by the Moravian Society to Charles A. 
Luckenbach, of Bethlehem (excepting, however, three small parcels, 
comprising, in the aggregate, less than six acres, which had previously 
been sold to Daniel Desh and Francis H. Oppelt). 

  Portions of these tracts were variously disposed of by Mr. Luckenbach, 
which dispositions need not be noticed until we come down to the summer of 
1852, when he laid out, upon his land, a town-plot, which he named 
AUGUSTA, and which was in reality the first commencement of the present 
borough of South Bethlehem.  The location of Augusta may now be described 
as extending north and south, from the track of the North Pennsylvania 
Railroad to the Lehigh River, and east and west from Northampton to Poplar 
street. The first building lot-40 x 176 feet-was purchased by Levin C. 
Peysert, of Bethlehem, for two hundred dollars. The first dwellings, 
erected in the town of Augusta, were three large frame houses, commenced by 
Borhek & Knauss, October 31st, 1853. Many other town lots were sold by Mr. 
Luckenbach, as also two parcels, each of four acres, respectively, to 
Samuel Wetherill, and to the Pennsylvania and Lehigh Zinc Company, and 
thirty-five acres to Hon. Asa Packer, for the use of the Lehigh Valley 
Railroad.  The remainder of the " Luckenbach Farm " -a little less than one 
hundred acres-he sold to Charles W. and Ambrose Rauch, of Bethlehem.

  The "Jacobi Farm," above and adjoining the "Luckenbach," containing one 
hundred and three and a half acres, had come into the possession of 
Charles Brodhead, of Bethlehem, who, by agreement with the Messrs. Rauch, 
added the whole2 of his (Jacobi) tract, and theirs-balance of the 
Luckeubach-in all about two hundred and one acres-to the town-plot of 
Augusta, and then re-christened the town WETHERILL, in honor of John P. 
Wetherill of Philadelphia. This was done in the year 1854. The name of 
Wetherill, however, was not of long continuance; it was succeeded by the 
designation of BETHLEHEM SOUTH, and this in turn was abandoned, on the 
organization of the borough, under the very sensible name which it still 
bears. The growth and progress of the town was very rapid, and its 
commencement dates from the opening of the railroad lines; indeed, it may 
be said to have been wholly the result of their opening; but without them, 
the gigantic manufactories of South Bethlehem would probably never have 
been built.

                     THE LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD.

   The company which built and controls this great railway, was first 
incorporated, by Act of Assembly, April 21st, 1846, as "The Delaware, 
Lehigh, Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad Company," which was changed to 
the present title of the company, by a supplemental Act passed
January 7th, 1853.

  The original main lines-Mauch Chunk to South Easton, forty-six miles-was 
located in 1851. The work of construction was commenced November 27th, of 
the same year and the road was so far completed in the summer of 1855, that 
on the eleventh of June, trains commenced running between South Easton and 
Allentown, though the heavy rock-cut, just below the former place, had not 
then been completed, nor was the road delivered by the contractor (Hon. Asa 
Packer), to the company, until the twenty-fourth of the following 
September. From that time, through trains ran regularly, and the first 
railway station, of South Bethlehem, was a brick dwelling house which had 
been built on the Luckenbach farm in 1849.

  When one sees and realizes the almost boundless extent of the anthracite 
coal transportation performed by this road, and adds thereto the immense 
passenger traffic, and compares these with the old methods and amounts; of 
freighting and travel, he is lost in amazement. It is, indeed, an almost 
immeasurable change which has been effected, since Charles Miner shipped 
his first cargo of twenty-four tons of coal down the Lehigh, or since 
George Klein established his weekly stage-wagon line between Bethlehem and 

1. The Seminary for Young Ladies at Bethlehem-Nazareth Hall, a Boarding 
School for Boys, at Nazareth, Northampton county, Pa., founded in 
1755,-Linden Hall, a Boarding School for Young Ladles, at Litiz, Lancaster 
county, Pa., founded in 1794-and the Hope Academy for Young Ladles, at 
Hope, Bartholomew county, Ind., founded in 1866, are under the supervision 
of the Executive Board of the Province North. The Academy for Young Ladies 
at Salem, Forsyth county, N. C., founded in 1802, is controlled by the 
Board of the Province South.

2. Excepting seven acres, which he donated to the Lehigh University.



  The company, organized for construction of this road, was incorporated by 
Act of Assembly, April 8th, 1852, as "The Philadelphia, Easton and 
Water-Gap Railroad Company," but its title was changed to the present one 
on the third of October 1853. Work was commenced on the sixteenth of June 
of that year, and the first passenger train was, on the first of January 
1857, run through from the city to the junction with the Lehigh Valley Road 
at Freemansburg. On the eighth of July, same year, the trains were taken 
off the Freemansburg Branch, and ran over the main line to South Bethlehem, 
as the terminus. At the junction with the Lehigh Valley Road, above the old 
bridge, was the station-house, which was built in 1859, and held in common 
by the two roads, for some years, but was superseded by the present Union 
Depot, erected jointly by the two companies, and first occupied by them 
November 18th, 1867. It contains the necessary public rooms for the use of 
the roads, and separate, offices for each. Its cost was nearly $24,000, and 
it stands nearly on the site of the old historic "Crown Inn", so often 
mentioned in Moravian annals-the precise spot where the old tavern stood, 
being now covered by the south platform of the depot; and the track running 
directly over the well, from which the ancient landlord-Lischer-drew water 
to slake the fever-thirst of the dying Captain Wetterhold.

  When it was found that the old "Crown" tavern must be removed, to make 
way for the passage of the locomotive, it was offered for sale as it stood, 
and brought the sum of thirty dollars. In 1857, it was removed by
D. I. Yerkes, Esq., to the corner of Second and New streets, where, from 
its material, was partially erected the Continental Hotel; in the building 
of which, it was the aim of Esquire Yerkes to preserve, as far as possible, 
its original style of architecture. It would not have been amiss to have 
preserved the name as well as style, and instead of Continental, called it 
Crown, for there surely need no longer be any dread of royalty in the 
Valley of the Lehigh.

  The engine-house of the North Pennsylvania Road was built at South
Bethlehem, in 1857, but was, after a time, found to be inadequate to the 
requirements of the unforeseen increase of business, and so, in 1870, the 
company built a new turn-table, and a "round-house," having fifteen engine
Stalls.  The grading necessary for this structure took away the moderate 
rise of ground on which stood the, apple trees, that of old pertained to 
the domain of the "Crown"; the orchard which produced the "cider royal," 
for which Lischer made charge in his bill against that Sergeant McGuire, 
who had been brought, wounded and helpless to the Inn, from the scene of the 
Stenton massacre.

  The freight station, a brick building, with slated roof, 100 x 30 feet, 
with an annexed shed, 70 x 25 feet, was built in 1870, at a cost to the 
company of $8,000.

  The foundry and machine-shop below the company's offices of the Lehigh 
Valley Railroad, were established by Abbott & Cortright, in the year 1857, 
and were successfully carried on by them for years. These shops are still 
in operation, in the original buildings, under the superintendence of 
Mr. M. E. Abbott, son of one of the original founders.

                       INCORPORATION OF THE BOROUGH.

  South Bethlehem was erected a borough by decree, of the Court of Quarter 
Session of Northampton county, at August term, in 1865. The first election 
was held at the Continental Hotel. Judge of Election (appointed by the court),

David I. Yerkes, Esq.


John Trone 
Abraham Harris

 The first officers of the borough were:

Burgess, James McMahon

Members of Council-

Louis F. Beckel

David I. Yerkes

E. P. Wilbur

James McCoy

James Purcell, 

Treasurer, Theophilis Horlacher, 

Town Clerk, William H. Bush, 

High Constable, John Kilkelly

  The corporate limits of the borough were defined as follows: "Beginning
at a point on the bank of the river Lehigh, opposite a small island , in 
the line of Northampton and Lehigh counties; thence following down the
several courses of said river  427-45 perches to an oak opposite the head 
of Ysselstein's Island; thence southeasterly thirty perches to a stone in 
the Hellertown road; thence along the leads of Asa Packer, westerly and 
south westerly three hundred and thirty-three perches to the northwest 
corner of said Asa Packer's land; thence westerly 127-4 perches to the line 
of Lehigh county; and thence northeasterly one hundred and thirty perches 
along said line to the place of beginning."

 The first meeting of the Council was held at the Lehigh Valley House, 
corner of Second and Northampton Streets, on the nineteenth of 
September 1865. A line of substantial improvement, to the town (among which 
were the paving and curbing of the streets), was determined on, and 
vigorously carried into effect.

  The population of the borough at the time of its, incorporation is not 
precisely known. After the organization, the increase was rapid, and the, 
census return of 1870, shows, that at that time, the number of inhabitants 
of South Bethlehem was 3,556. Some of the more enthusiastic of it, 
residents claim that, the borough contains a present population of 8,000, 
but this figure is evidently far in excess of the action, number.


 The Bethlehem South Gas and Water Company was organized in 
June 1867, with a paid up capital of $25,000, under a charter granted by 
the Legislature of Pennsylvania, A. D. 1864. The first Board of Directors 
was composed of the following gentlemen, who were also named in the charter 
as corporators 

E. P. Wilbur, President

Robert H. Sayre

William H. Sayre

John Smylie, Jr.

James McMahon

H. Stanley Goodwin, Secretary and Treasurer

B. E. Lehman, Superintendent

  Subsequently, Mr. B. C. Webster was elected to fill the vacancy caused by 
the resignation of Mr. McMahon, but, with this exception, there has been no 
change, made in any of the officers of the company to the present time (1877).

  The erection of the Gas-Works was commenced in August, 1867, under the 
immediate charge of Mr. B. E, Lehman, Superintendent, and during the fall 
of that year, about three miles of main pipes were laid through the 
principal streets of the borough, and up to Fountain Hill. 

  The works were completed in December of that year, and the first gas was 
made on December 24th, 1867. In 1875, like works were enlarged by the 
erection of an additional gas-holder of a capacity of 25,000 feet, as the 
consumption exceeded the capacity of the old holder. The Water-Works of 
this company were not built until 1875, when a steam-pump was put up at the 
Bethlehem Iron Company's Works, from which place the pipes were laid 
through all the principal streets of the borough, supplying thirty-three, 
fire-plugs, two railroad water-stations, and a large number of private 
consumers. At the present time, the water is pumped directly into the 
mains without any reservoir, the requisite amount of pressure being kept up 
by an attachment from the accumulator to the starting valve of the 
steam-pump. The works have now been in operation eighteen months, and have 
proved satisfactory in every respect. 

  The present officer  of the company are:

E. I. Wilbur, President
H S. Goodwin, Secretary and Treasurer
B. E. Lehman, Superintendent

                       PROTECTION FIRE COMPANY.
  Under the above title, a company has been organized in the borough, having 
for its object the extinguishment of fires and the protection of property 
and life: 

George C, Boyer, President
Thomas Eynon, Chief Engineer
K Scott, Foreman

                               POST OFFICE.

  The South Bethlehem Post Office dates from the year following the 
erection of the borough; it having been established in June, 1866. The 
first Postmaster was John Seem.

  Of the manufacturing enterprises of South Bethlehem, there are some which 
have grown to vast proportions, Among the principal of these is

                      THE LEHIGH ZINC COMPANY.

  About the year 1830, the attention and curiosity of the farmers of the
vicinity, was excited by the discovery of a strange mineral deposit upon 
the lands of Jacob Ueberroth, in Saucon Valley. The character of this 
deposit  was unknown and unsuspected, but thinking it possible that it 
might prove to be as valuable as the ordinary iron-ore, the proprietor tool 
a wagon load of the strange substance to the "Mary Ann Furnace," in Berks 
county, to be smelted, The attempt was a failure, and the subject was for 
the time dropped. No further attention was paid to it until the year 1845, 
when, by chance, the deposit, came to the notice of Mr. William Theodore 
Roepper, who, after examination, pronounced it to be "calamine," the 
hydro-silicate of zinc. This discovery led to a development, of the 
apparently inexhaustible mines which have now fed the Zinc Works at South 
Bethlehem, for almost a quarter of a century. 

  Under the superintendence of Mr. Samuel Wetherill, works for the 
production of zinc-oxide, in furnaces, and by a process of his own 
invention, were erected, in 1853, on land which he had purchased of
A. Luckenbach within the limits of the town plot of Augusta. These works 
were completed at a cost of $85,000, and on the thirteenth of October, 
1853, the first zinc-white ever made in America was produced in these 
works, by the combined processes of Wetherill, and of Richard Jones, Esq.


  At the commencement, the works were run by all unincorporated 
association, which, however, was, on the second of May, 1855, incorporated 
by Act of Legislature, as "The Pennsylvania and Lehigh Zinc Company," with 
a capital $1,000,000; the object of which organization, as set forth in the
Act of incorporation, was the purpose of mining zinc-ore in the counties of 
Lehigh and Northampton-of manufacturing; zinc paint, metallic
and other articles, from said ore, and of vending the same."

  The originators of the company were residents of New York and Thomas 
Andrews, of that city was the first president.

  Mr. Wetherill continued in the superintendence of the works from the 
commencement of operation until September 1857, when he was succeeded in 
that office by Joseph Whareton. During the administration of Mr. Wetherill 
(a little less than four years), 4,728 tons of zinc-white had been 
produced, and many experiments had been made looking towards the production 
of metallic zinc, but these had been only partially successful.

  On the sixteenth of February, 1860, the corporate, title of the company
was changed, by Act of Legislature, to the present one, "The Lehigh Zinc
Company." In the previous year, Mr. Wharton bad contracted with the
company for the erection of works for the manufacture of metallic zinc, and
the construction of these was intrusted to Louis De Gee of the firm of 
De Gee, Gernant & Company, of Ougree, Belgium, who had been induced to
come to the United States for this express purpose. These works were 
completed, and the first metallic zinc was produced in them in July, 1859. 
Three experts in this department of the business were at that time imported 
from the spelter and oxide works in Belgium.

   Their names were
Andre Woot Detrixhe
Francois Lemall
Jean Henrard. 

Importations of Belgian experts and workmen have since then been made by 
the company, at various times.

  In 1864 and 1865, the company erected a mill for the rolling of sheet 
zinc, This was constructed under the superintendence of Alexander Trippel, 
who had previously been sent to Europe to acquaint himself with the methods 
of this production. The first sheet zinc was rolled in April, 1865. This was 
the first introduction of that art into this country; and all these several 
works have continued in unremitted activity to this day, their capacity 
being: for oxide of zinc, 3,000 tons per year; for metallic zinc, 3,600 
tons per year; for sheet zinc, 3,000 casks per year, respectively-about 
one-half the annual consumption of the country, and of known superior 
qualities, owing to the usual purity of our ores. The mines have been 
worked to meet the demands of the several manufacturies, amounting in some 
single years to 19,000 tons of ore, including rich blende, which has been 
developed in the, progress of mining.

  The mines of the company are situated at Friedenville, in the Saucon 
valley, three and a half miles from South Bethlehem. In the working of 
these mines, at a very early day, and at shallow depth, water was 
encountered, and overcome by a small pump worked by a single horse-power; 
followed by a donkey pump, which is now in use for dressed ores. Next came 
a Burdon engine of thirty horse-power, followed, in 1863, by a Corliss 
engine of one hundred horse-power, working a series of centrifugal pumps 
which found their limit at a depth of sixty-five feet, with 1,500 gallons 
of water per minute. At this time the company decided to make more lasting 
provision for controlling the water by establishing power to raise 4,000 
gallons per minute from a depth of one hundred and fifty feet, if so much 
should come, and, to this end, they erected and started, in 1865, an engine 
of thirty-two inch cylinder and nine feet stroke, working two twenty-two 
inch lifting pumps, to which a third twenty-two inch lift was soon added, 
and the shaft carried down to one hundred and twenty-two feet in 1866, when 
it encountered, and with seventeen strokes per minute, raised 5,600 
gallons; and there found the limit of its capacity, But the engineer,
Mr. John West, had already matured it plan of engine, pumps, and shaft for 
raising 12,000 gallons per minute from three hundred feet depth; and, in 
December, 1868, the company contracted with Messrs. Merrick, of 
Philadelphia, for this new engine, and a year later with 
Messrs. I. P. Morris & Co., for the pumps, boilers and mountings. The 
timber for shaft and pump rods was contracted for, in Georgia. This monster 
engine and pumping apparatus was put in motion at Friedensville on the 
nineteenth of January, 1872. 

  From the address of the president of the company, made on that occasion, 
the following extract is made, as giving some idea of the enormous power of 
the machinery:  "This is the engine which is destined to become famous as 
is the house that Jack built; this is the engine whose cylinder is one 
hundred and ten inches, and whose piston rod is ten inches, in diameter, 
with a ten-foot stroke; this is the engine that can work 'comfortably', as 
we are told, at twelve strokes per minute, and yet is not the least 
'fussy'; the engine, each of whose walking beams weighs 48,000 pounds; 
twenty-six of whose pieces weigh each upwards of seven tons, and whose 
entire weight, including girders, is 1,313,300 pounds; the engine that can 
lift 52,800,000 pounds, or 26,400 tons, one foot high in one minute of 
time, with the majestic ease and consciousness of power with which an 
elephant lifts a straw; the engine that can raise 12,000 gallons of water 
per minute, from a depth of three hundred feet; which works, day and night, 
without rest; and whose influence is a mighty one towards transforming the 
subterranean haunts of Kobalt and gnome, where, from times Silurian, these 
spirits have sported undisturbed in the ice-cold sea, that noiselessly 
washes the shores of their crystal kingdom."

  The magnitude of the operations of the Lehigh Zinc Company, and their 
influence and effect on the prosperity of South Bethlehem, may be 
understood from the fact that the monthly pay-rolls of the company have 
carried over seven hundred names, representing perhaps four times that 
number of individuals living in and about the borough, find the vicinity of 
the names, all sustained by the products of this industry; while more than 
40,000 tons of anthracite coal are annually consumed by the company in the 
processes of reduction and manufacture. The cost of the works was as follows:

Oxide Works,     $125,000
Spelter Works,    100,000
Rolling Mill,      51,000

  They occupy ten acres of ground on the eastern side of New street, and 
extending northwardly from Second street to the Lehigh Valley Railroad.

  The present president, Mr. Benjamin C. Webster, has conducted the affairs 
of the company since September, 1863.

                          BETHLEHEM IRON COMPANY.

  The works of this company are located on both sides of the Lehigh Valley 
Railroad, a short distance below, its junction with the North Pennsylvania 

  They have been under the management of Mr. John Fritz since their 
commencement, in 1860, and their present condition is an evidence of the 
skill and energy which planned and erected them.

  The products are pig-metal, iron and steel rails, shapes, Bessemer steel 
billets, etc.

  The works consist of: Five blast-furnaces for mill, foundry, and Bessemer 
irons; one blast-furnace for spiegel eisen; one large pattern, smith, and 
machine-shop; one foundry; one puddling and iron rail-mill; containing one 
21 1/2 train for iron rails, shapes, etc.; one 12 1/2 train for small iron 
rails, shapes, etc.; nine single heating-furnaces; one 21 1/2 train for 
puddled-bars; thirteen double puddling-furnaces; One single 
puddling-furnace; one 5-ton steam-hammer. One steel-mill, containing two 
Bessemer converters; one 30 train for blooming Bessemer steel ingots; one 
10-ton steam-hammer for cutting blooms; one 3 too steam-hammer; four 
Siemen's gas-furnaces for besting ingots; one 24 1/2 train for Bessemer 
steel rails and shapes; four Siemen's gas-furnaces for heating blooms.

  Their annual capacity is its follows:
Bessemer Foundry and Mill,        70,000 Tons
Spiegel Eisen,                     1,200 Tons
Iron Rails,                       22,500 Tons
Steel Rails,                      50,000 Tons

  The Northampton Iron Company's blast furnace, at Freemansburg, is now 
leased by the Bethlehem Iron Company.

  The originator of the company was Augustus Wolle, Esq., of Bethlehem, who 
having confidence in the feasibility and promise of iron-manufacture in the 
Lehigh Valley, procured an Act of incorporation of "The Saucona Iron 
Company," dated April 8th, 1857. The failure of the Ohio Life Insurance and 
Trust Company, which occurred soon after, bringing in its train the 
financial panic of 1857, prevented the building of works, or even the 
organization of the company until the fourteenth of June, 1860.

  When an organization was effected by the choice of the following 
officers, viz:

President-Alfred Hunt, of Philadelphia


Augustus Wolle

Asa Packer

John Taylor Johnston

John Knecht

Edward Roberts

Charles B. Daniel

Charles W. Rauch

Charles B. Daniel, Secretary and Treasurer.

  In the meantime the title of the company had been changed by Act of 
Assembly, to that of "The Bethlehem Rolling-Mill and Iron Company," and 
again on the first of May, 1861, it was by the same authority changed to 
"The Bethlehem Iron Company," as it still remains.


  Eleven acres of ground having been purchased of Abbott, Cortright & 
Company, at three hundred dollars per acre, on the south side of the Lehigh 
Valley Railroad, and six acres more on the opposite side of that road, of 
A. Wolle & Company, at $1,50 per acre. The building of furnace No. 1 was
commenced on the first named tract, July 16th, 1860, but the work proceeded 
very slowly, and it was not until the fifth of January, 1863, that the 
blast was flat on, by the hand of Miss Kate Powell, of Philadelphia. The 
first iron was smelted from a mixture of brown hematite from the Saucon 
Valley and magnetic oxide from Morris county, New Jersey, and was drawn the 
next day after blast was put on. The furnace continued in blast for 
thirty-four weeks, and was then blown out for some repairs; after which it 
was again put on, and remained in blast for three hundred and sixty-three, 
successive weeks, (about seven years) producing in that time 63,007 tons of 

  The first rolling-mill was commenced in April, 1861, and was completed in 
the summer of 1863; the first iron for rolling, being puddled on the 
twenty-seventh of July of that year, and the first rails were rolled on the 
twenty-sixth of the following September.

  Furnace No. 2 was commenced in May, 1864, and the first blast was put on 
March 28th, 1867 First iron drawn March 30th.

  Furnace No. 3 was put in blast in December 1868. First iron drawn on the 
eighteenth of same month.

   The steel rail-mill was commenced on the "Andrews lot," in September, 1868. 
Precise data of completion not known.

  The company employs more than eight hundred men, and consumes 75,000
tons of coal annually.

                    THE LEHIGH VALLEY BRASS WORKS.

  Were erected in the fall of 1863 by the proprietor, Mr. B. E. Lehman.
The business carried on by him was established by his father, Ernst L. 
Lehman, in the year 1832, in the old town of Bethlehem, where he built the 
first complete brass foundry in this part of the country, and carried on 
that business, in connection with a coppersmith-shop for a period of 
twenty-five years, until his death, in 1857.

   The present proprietor, Mr. B. E. Lehman, then took charge of the 
business, which began to increase, to an extent that compelled the erection 
of the shops in South Bethlehem, known as the, Lehigh Valley Brass Works, 
where he removed in the spring of 1864.  The product of the works is 
chiefly composed of brass add iron-fittings for steam, water and gas, 
engine brass-work, stop-valves for water-mains, &c., &c.

  From twenty to thirty hands are usually kept employed in the various 
branches of the business. A number of specialties are manufactured here 
adapted for iron and steel-works and furnaces, many of which have found a 
large sale and have added greatly to the success and reputation of the 


  This company was formed January 16th, 1871. Firm,

W. T. Palfrey

R. A. Abbott

D. P. Dougherty

M. L. Abbott 
Capital, $1,200

   In September 1873, a new firm was formed consisting of 

W. T. Palfrey

M. E. Abbott

  Thomas Weiss, who bought the land on which they then erected one-half the 
present works, at a cost of $5,000. They commenced work in the February 
following, and up to January, 1874, the business had increased so much that 
they were compelled to double the size of their buildings, all of which, 
with the machinery, cost about $11,000. They now employed eleven men, and 
turn out an average of fifteen dozen shovels per day. The present firm is 
Weiss & Brother.

                          THE RAILROAD BRIDGE.

  Of the Lehigh and Susquehanna Company was built in 1867. Its length is 
four hundred and thirty-eight feet, by actual measurement. The connection 
of the Lehigh and Susquehanna with the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company 
was made, over this bridge, in the spring of 1868.

                           THE BANKING HOUSE.

  Commenced business in October, 1870. It was at first located in a room on 
the first floor of the building owned by the Lehigh Valley Railroad 
Company, and occupied by their offices. In the year 1872 it was removed to 
the new, ANTHRACITE BUILDING, which had been built, in the previous year, 
on Lehigh street, near the old Philadelphia road, Messrs, Wilbur & Company 
do a general banking and collection business. Wm. L. Dunglison, Cashier.


  Commenced business, under its charter, in February 1871. Loans were granted 
during the first year on fifty-four shares. There has been a gradual 
increase until, during the past year-loans were granted on eighty-three
shares. There are now (1877) seven hundred and ninety-three shares subscribed for.

 The officers are

James McMahon, President

William  Rudolph

George Ziegenfass, Secretary and Solictor

Wm. L. Dunglison, Treasurer


  Commenced business, under its charter, February 1st, 1871.
 The present officers are: 

Henry Erwin, President

Thomas Love, Vice-President

Directors-for four years:

Simpson Brower

Jos. J. Marsteller

John Shannon

For three years:

Patrick Smith

J. Z. Guth

John Opp

For two years 

J. H. Yost

J. S. Allum

R. R. Cress

For one year:

Thos. K. Mohr

Abm. Yost

Levin Giess

Rufus A, Grider, Solicitor

Reuben R. Cress, Treasurer

Rufus A. Gribler, Secretary


  Several newspapers have, from time to time, been started in South 
Bethlehem, but all have proved short-lived.

 Among these, were 

the "Northampton Conservative" (weekly), established by Milton F. Cashing, 
September 30th, 1868;

the "Daily Morning Progress", by O. B. Sigler & Co., April 3d, 1871;

the "Morning Star", which was established by A. F. Yost, Esq., as a daily 
journal, January 18th, 1877, but existed as such only for the short space 
of two months.

                             PUBLIC SCHOOLS.

  The first public school building, in South Bethlehem- was erected in 
1858. Its size was about 20 x 25 feet; and so little was then foreseen, of 
the growth of the town and its prospective requirements for school 
purposes, that Mr. Koch, then School Director, on being asked if he 
considered the house to be sufficiently large, replied that it would be 
ample in size for the next twenty years. But instead of twenty, it was 
only two years before a larger house became not only necessary, but 
indispensable, and it new and touch larger one was built in 1860, but, this 
in turn soon became inadequate, and, in 1867,the following schools were built.

                             THE PENROSE SCHOOL.

  Was established. This building was erected on Vine street above Fourth, 
and was first occupied on the seventeenth of October, in that year, Jacob 
Campbell, Principal.

                          THE MELROSE SCHOOL.

  Building located on Poplar street, above Fourth, erected in 1870, first, 
occupied on the eleventh of October, in that year. Both this and the 
Penrose are graded schools, under control of the school Directors, and 
under the supervision of the Superintendent of Schools of Northampton 
county. The Principal of the Melrose is A L. Gope.

  The Board of School Directors of South Bethlehem is, at present (1877), 
composed as follows:

James McMahon, President

O. R. Wilt, Secretary

Charles L. Boyer

R. R. Cress

Michael Dinan

Philip Steinmiller

Edward Murphy

Henry McCool

Charles Quinn

                        THE LEHIGH UNIVERSITY.

                     BY PROF. HENRY COPPEE, LL.D.

  This noble institution was founded in the year 1866, by the 
Hon. Asa Packer, of Mauch Chunk. His first provision for the University 
consisting of a large grant of land, in South Bethlehem, situated on the 
gentle slope of the Lehigh Mountain, about a quarter of a mile from the river.


  For the purpose of buildings, apparatus, etc., he then appropriated the 
sum of $500,000. This has been expended in the erection add furnishing of 
several extensive halls, and residences for the professors; and he has 
since made additional donations to carry out his plan of completely 
establishing a scientific and literary Institution. The aggregate of his 
gifts is over one million of dollars.

 The principal building, called PACKER HALL, in honor of the founder, 
stands seven hundred feet from Packer avenue. It is of stone, and presents 
an imposing front, two hundred and thirteen feet in length. At the western 
extremity is a belfry tower, one hundred and twenty-five feet high, 
containing a very handsome double stair, the president's room, and the 
archive room, all fire-proof.

  At the eastern end is a large advanced wing, five stories high, in which 
are the principal lecture and recitation-rooms. The central portion, eighty 
feet long by forty feet wide, contains the museum, the drawing academy, and 
a beautiful chapel, with handsome clustered windows of stained glass.

  To the west, descending the hill, are the residences of the president and 
professors; commodious houses, comporting architecturally with tile great hall.


 Eastward of Packer Hall is the new library building, a very handsome stone 
structure, skillfully arranged, and capable of containing 75,000 volumes.

 Situated on Packer avenue, towards the eastern extremity of the grounds. 
are two capacious brick buildings-Christmas Hall and Saucon Hall-in which 
are dormitories for the students.  In the former there is an excellent 
mess-hall, conducted in the most reasonable terms.

  West of Packer Hall, is the Sayre Astronomical Observatory, presented to 
the University by Robert H. Sayre, Esq., a member of the Board of Trustees, 
and of the Executive Committee, It contains an equatorial telescope, a 
transit, a superior astronomical clock, and other instruments, in the use 
of which the student is fully instructed.

  The Hon. Charles Brodhead, of Bethlehem, has presented seven acres of 
land adjoining that of Judge Packers grant, giving symmetry to the 
University Park.

  Mr. E. P. Wilbur, one of the trustees, has endowed a scholarship of two 
hundred dollars, payable yearly, to the best student in the second class. 
Our limited space forbids the mention of many other valuable donations to 
the cabinets of the Institution.

  The Lehigh University is polytechnic in character. After a common course 
for all students for a year and a half, in which is given the elementary 
instruction necessary as a basis for all future study, the student enters, 
according to his inclination, one among several technical schools, viz:
1. General Literature.
2. Civil Engineering.
3. Mechanical Engineering.
4. Mining and Metallurgy.
5. Analytical Chemistry

A special degree is conferred in such of the schools. The course is of four 
years, except that in the school of mining, which is four and a half years.

  Let it be particularly noted that, by the late munificence of the 
founder, tuition, in all the branches, has been declared FREE OF CHARGE. 
This extends the facilities for an education of the first class to many 
hitherto unable to take a university course.

  The entire expenses; for room-rent, board, light, and heat, are between 
four and five dollars per week. A student is only required to provide his 
own books, materials, chemicals, etc.

  The chemical laboratory, in Packer Hall, is one of the finest and most
complete in the country. The museums and cabinets are daily increasing in 
value, and the apparatus for illustration in physics is large and well 
selected. The instruction, in all the departments, is very thorough.

  The Board of Trustees, more than thirty in number, is composed of 
gentlemen of station and influence, who are greatly interested in the 
prosperity of the Institution. They are represented by an Executive 
Committee of eight trustees, who meet monthly to conduct the general 

  The committee is at present thus Composed: 

G. R. Linderman, M. D., Chairman

Hon. Asa Packer

Right Rev. Bishop Howe

Robert H. Sayre

Eckly B. Coxe

F. P. Wilbur

Robert A. Packer

H. Stanley Goodwin, Secretary

  The Bishop of Central Pennsylvania is ex-officio President of the Board 
of Trustees.

  The first President of the University was Henry Coppee, LL.D., who was 
appointed in 1866 he resigned in 1874, when he was elected Professor of 
English Literature and History. In 1875, he was succeeded in the 
presidential chair, by the Rev. John M. Leavitt, D.D., the present 

     The following is a list of the Professors, in 1877:
J. M. LEAVITT, D.D., Professor of Christian Evidences etc. 

HENRY COPPEE, L.L.D., Professor of English Literature, etc.

WILLIAM H. CHANDLER, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry.

B. W. FRAZIER, A.M. Professor of Mineralogy, etc. 

H. W. HARDING, M. A., Professor of Physic, etc.

I. KIMBALL, PH. D., Professor of Geology

C. L. DOOLITTLE, C. E., Professor of Mathematic and Astronomy

A. I. DUBOIS, P. H. D. Professor of Civil Engineering, etc.

  There are, besides, six instructors, and it is in contemplation to 
increase the number of chairs at an early day.

  It should be added that the site of the University is unrivaled, for 
picturesque scenery, pure air, good water, and general salubrity. It is 
fifty-four miles from Philadelphia, by the North Pennsylvania Railroad; and 
eighty-seven from New York, by the Lehigh Valley and New Jersey Central 

  Applicants for admission into the lowest class must be sixteen years old, 
and of good moral character, and must pass an examination on the following 
subjects: Arithmetic, complete; Algebra, through Equations of the Second 
Degree; Geometry, six books; English Grammar, Geography, and Spelling.

  From what has been said, the citizens of Northampton county, and all 
readers, of this work, will see that there is, in their midst, a University 
with a complete system of professional schools, suited to all the demands 
of the age, well founded and ably officered, and with a high standard of 
scholarship, inviting all who need its instruction to come and receive it 
"without money and without price." It is hoped that its halls will be 
always filled with eager and ardent learners, who, while gaining treasures 
of knowledge for themselves, will do honor to the splendid and generous 
charity of its noble founder, ASA PACKERD.


  Was the first church opened for divine services in that place. The 
founder, and for a number of years the pastor, of it was Rev. A T. 

  The corner-stone of the first building was laid on the afternoon of the 
thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, August 30th, 1863, when, besides the 
pastor, the following clergymen were present: Revs. S. K. Brobst, J. K. Fans, 
and L. W. Heidenreich.

  This building was of brick, 25 x 65 feet in its dimensions, and was built 
over a set Of pews that the founder had brought from a former 
mission-field, Trenton, N. J. The first service was held by the pastor on 
the fifth Sunday in Lent, March 13th, 1864. Text, I Sam. 7:12. On this 
occasion, some twenty persons signed their names as the first members of 
the church.  

  And on Good Friday the first officers were elected, their names being 
Philip Malberger

Joseph Klase

John M. Ritter


Joseph S. Smith

Jacob Hames

Nicholas Sauer

  On Easter Sunday following, the first communion was celebrated by 
twenty-one members.

  On Sunday, June 26th, 1864, the church was formally dedicated to the 
services of the Triune God. On this occasion, Rev. C. A. Ebert, of Newark, 
N. J., preached in the morning and Revs. S. K. Brobst, and, 
F. J. F. Schantz, in the afternoon.

  In the spring of 1867, Rev. Geissenhainer removed to Philadelphia, and 
Rev. Jacob Zentner served the congregation in connection with St., Peter's, 
of Allentown, for a little over a year, when he accepted a call to 
Williamsport, Pa., and the congregation became vacant. It was then 
connected with the Bethlehem charge served by Rev. J. B. Rath, who 
continued to minister to the congregation till 1870, when his entire time 
was required in Bethlehem.  Mr. C. J. Cooper, then a student at the 
Theological Seminary, in Philadelphia, supplied the Congregation from the 
tenth of April, 1870, until after his ordination by Synod, in the following 
June, when he received a formal call from the congregation and accepting 
it, entered upon his labors in the beginning of August, he is the present 
pastor. At the close of 1872, it was found that the building was inadequate 
to the wants of the Sunday-school and the congregation, which had continued 
to increase.

  On the nineteenth of January 1873, the congregation decided to tear down 
the old church, and erect a new one. On the second Sunday after Trinity, 
June 22d, 1873, the corner-stone of the new building was laid by the 
present pastor, Rev. Prof. G. F. Miller, of Allentown; and 
Revs. J. B. Rath, F. W. Weiskotten, and J. W. Bieber, of Bethlehem, 

  The dimensions of this church are 42 x 71 feet, two stories high. It is 
located on Vine street, between Fifth and Packer avenue.

  On the following Christmas Eve, the first services were held in the 
partially completed basement by the Sunday-school, and on Christmas 
morning, the pastor preached the first sermon.

  On the following Palm Sunday, March 29th, 1874, this part of the building 
was dedicated; Rev. A. T. Geissenhainer, the founder of the church 
preaching the dedicatory sermon. He following clergy were also present and 
assisted in the afternoon and evening:
Rev. Prof. Richards, of Muhlenberg College, Allentown
Rev. Weiskotten, of Bethlehem
Rev. Prof. A. R. Horne, of Kutztown, State Normal School.

  On account of the panic of 1873, the auditorium remains unfinished at 
this time, but the congregation has taken steps towards its completion. 

  From a membership of twenty, the number has steadily increased during these 
fourteen years, so that the present membership numbers four hundred. The 
present worth of the property is estimated at from $10,000 to $12,000.


                          MORAVIAN CHURCH

  On the first of May 1859, the first Sabbath-school in South Bethlehem was 
opened in the district school house, by Miss Amanda Jones, The number of 
scholars in attendance was eleven which number has since been swelled to 
more than five hundred. A month after the opening of the school, preaching 
was commenced in the same place, and was continued in South Bethlehem, by 
different members of the Moravian College, until 1861, when 
Rev. L. F. Kampman was appointed pastor. He was succeeded by 
Rev. F. F. Hagen, who was in turn succeeded by Rev. H. J. Van Vleck, 
March 13th, 1866. The present pastor, Rev, William H. Oerter. Succeeded
Mr. Van Vleck, in June 1871.

  The first church edifice of the Moravian, in South Bethlehem, was erected 
in 1863, and divine worship was first held in it by Rev. Mr. Hagen
November 20th, 1864, It, stood on the present grounds of the Lehigh 
University, to which institution it was conveyed by the Moravians in 1865. 
After passing into the hands of the University it became known as Christmas 

  The present Moravian church edifice is a plain brick building, located on 
Elm street, near Packer Avenue. It was erected in 1867, and opened for 
divine worship March 9th, 1868, At present, the communicant membership is 
one hundred and seventy-four. Total membership, three hundred and 
twenty-three. The Sabbath-school has an attendance of three hundred and 
twenty-three, with twelve teachers.

  The location of this church edifice is on the corner of Fourth and Locust 
streets. It is a substantial and commodious. building of stone, and was 
erected in 1863 and 1864, mainly through the instrumentality of 
Mr. James McMahon. First opened for divine worship, October 24th, 1864. 
Pastor, Rev. Michael C, McEnroe, The membership is not far from 3,000. A 
tract of two and a-half acres on the mountain side, in the extreme 
southeast corner of the tract owned by Hon. Asa Packer, was by him donated 
to this church for cemetery purposes, The first interment in this ground a 
as that of James Griffin, October 22d, 1867.

                          FIRST REFORMED CHURCH.

  This congregation was organized on the thirteenth of October, 1867, under
the pastoral charge of Rev. J. K. Loos, who preached his first sermon in
South Bethlehem on the twentieth of January of that year, At the 
organization of the congregation, the, following officers were elected, 

William Rothrock 
John Drissel


William A. Lynn

Henry M. Rice

Aaron H. Lynn 

Henry O. Trumbore, trustees

The elders and deacons were ordained and installed on Sunday, 
November 10th, 1867.

  Rev. J. K. Loos served the congregation until June 5th, 1870, when he was
succeeded by the Rev. Henry Hess, who was appointed supply for the 
congregation by the Classis of Goshenhoppen, The pastorate became vacant
in the spring of 1871; and from the first of September 1871, to the present
time, the congregation has been served by the Rev. N. Z. Snyder.

  The congregation numbers one hundred and ninety-six numbers; the Lord's 
Supper is celebrated four times a year  the, festivals of the church year 
are observed, and the, congregation is steadily increasing in membership 
and efficiency.

  The Sunday-school of the congregation was organized on the twenty-second of 
December, 1867 with seven scholars in attendance. It now numbers eleven 
officers, seventeen teachers, and one hundred and thirty scholars. The 
Child's Treasury is distributed twice a month, and the library number, two 
hundred find thirty-one volumes.

  The church building is located on the north side of Fourth street, 
between New and Vice streets, on a lot sixty feet, front, and one hundred 
and twenty feet deep. The building is of bricks, 40 x 50 feet; a plain, 
neat structure. It was erected during the summer and fall of 1870, and 
consecrated on the 22d of October, 1871, by the present pastor, 
Rev. N. Z. Snyder, Rev, S. G. Wagner, of Allentown, preached the 
consecration sermon on Sunday afternoon.

  The congregation, also owns a quarter of an acre of ground in Fountain 
Hill Cemetery for burial purposes, and a fair estimate of all the property 
owned by the congregation would set the value at about $8,000.

                          THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.

  Situated on the corner of Fourth and Vine streets, was erected in the 
years 1870 and 1871. The lecture-room was opened for divine worship on the 
ninth of April in the last named year. The first pastor was the
Rev. J. Albert Rondthaler, who was succeeded by Rev. J. Thomson Oler.

 The first session was composed of
 Rev. J. A. Rondthaler
W. Calvin Ferriday
W. A. McCormick

                             FOUNTAIN HILL.

  Is the name given to that part of South Bethlehem lying on the eastern 
and southeastern slope of the Lehigh Mountain. This name had its origin 
from the numerous beautiful springs flowing out, along the upper part of 
the hill, and was first applied in 1866; prior to which time there but few 
houses here and it had none of the characteristics of a town. It extends 
from the Union depot south westwardly, and includes within its limits the 
Anthracite Building of E. P. Wilbur & Co., the Church of the Nativity, St. 
Luke's Hospital, Bishopthorpe School for Young Ladles, and the Fountain Bill 

  In 1854, a portion of the hill extending from the railroad depot 
southwest to Seminole street, was purchased by Rudolphus Kent, Charles 
Hacker, and Samuel R. Shipley, all of Philadelphia they had it laid out in 
a town plot substantially as it now is. They adopted Indian names for the 
streets, as will be seen by reference to the map of this part of the town 
soon after this, Mr. Robert R. Sayre, engineer and superintendent of the 
Lehigh Valley Railroad, purchased the eastern portion (rather more than 
one-half) of the block of ground bounded by Wyandot street, Delaware avenue 
(since connected with Third street), Ottawa, and Lenape streets. If is 
house was erected in 1857, being the first one built after the laying off 
into street.

  At this time the only building on Fountain Hill, besides the one mentioned,
were the residence, farm house, and buildings of 
Mr. Augustus Fiot, now Bishopthorpe School

the Water Core of F. H. Oppelt, now St. Luke's Hospital

the Freytag House, then owned by 0. H. Wheeler, Esq. now the residence of 
Tinsley Jeter, Esq. 

the residence of W. H. Sayre, Esq., at the southwest corner of Wyandot street 
and Delaware avenue, was erected in 1862

that of E. P. Wilbur, Esq., in the block bounded by Wyandot
Lenape, Lehigh, and Ottawa streets, in 1864

those of Jobn Smylie and  Dr. Martin were built about the same period, or a 
little later.

 The handsome residence of Dr. G. B. Linderman, with its graperies and 
green-houses, was built, in 1870, This was the last of the larger 
residences built on that portion of Fountain Hill, within the limits of 
Northampton county.

  In 1860, the Freytag property, consisting of dwelling, and twenty-two 
acres of land, was purchased by Tinsley Jeter, who also purchased, in 1866, 
the Fiot property, consisting of about one hundred and fifty acres. About 
the same time, he also bought, from Messrs. Harker & Shipley, several 
blocks of ground, parts of that already mentioned as having been laid out 
by them. 

   During the year 1868, the town plot was extended by him southwestward as 
far as the intersection of Delaware avenue with the Emaus road. The Indian 
names, of the streets, however, were not continued. The streets of this 
part of the, town were named after persons who had at some time, been 
owners or residents here.

                    FOUNTAIN HILL WATER-WORKS.

  In 1866, Tinsley Jeter built, a small reservoir near Bishopthorpe School, 
and laid pipes thence, through several streets, as far as the Union Depot, 
thus supplying Fountain Hill with mountain spring, water.

  In 1872, the Cold Spring Water Company was incorporated, and pipes, were 
laid from certain springs on land of Dr. 0. B. Linderman, along Delaware 
avenue and Huron street, to Wyandot street.

Subsequently, the South Bethlehem Gas and Water Company have laid pipes, 
through portions of Fountain Hill.

                          LECHAUWEKI SPRINGS.

  Though not on a part of Fountain Hill, yet merit some notice here. The 
first building for the entertainment of summer visitors was erected by 
Mr. John Smylie, in 1872 and 1873. During the years 1874 and 1875, the 
larger buildings were erected, and since then the place has been a favorite 
resort of summer visitor, from the cities.  The, Governor Work, were built 
here in 1872, and in 1875, St. Mary's Chapel was built and opened for 
divine worship; the ground being given, and a large portion of the cost 
being defrayed by Mr. John Smylie, the owner of the Springs.

                            OPERA HOUSE.

  In 1872 and 1873, Mr. Abraham Yost, contractor and builder, purchased
various pieces of ground, near the corner of Fourth add Wyandot streets,
and thereafter erected a large number of stores and dwelling houses in that
vicinity. The Opera House was built by him in 1875, and formally opened
in February, 1876. The of that part of the town is largely due to
the enterprise and energy of Mr. Yost.


                           ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL.

  This institution was chartered by the Legislature in the early
part of the year 1872. Under the charter, the Board of Trustees was made to 
consist of the Bishop Of the Diocese (Episcopal), and the rector with two 
or More lay members of the Episcopal Churches in the Lehigh Valley.

  The first members of the Board from South Bethlehem were:
Rev. Cortlandt Whitehead

Robert H. Sayre

Tinsley Jeter

John Smylie

  During the year 1872, a change was made in the charter, and the trustees 
are not now required to be front the churches.

  In 1873, a double tenement house, on Carpenter street, was purchased and 
fitted for the Hospital, which was opened in October, of that year.

  Under the amended charter, the first officers were as follows:
 President of the Board Rt. Rev. H. A. De Wolfe Howe, D. D.

Vice-President, Rev. Edmund de Schwentitz

Second Vice-President, Charles Albright, Esq.

Secretary, William H. Chandler

Treasurer, E. P. Wilbur

Chaplain, Rev. Cortlandt Whitehead

The Hospital was continued in the building mentioned till the summer of the 
year 1876.

  In the early part of that year, though the munificent liberality of Hon. 
Asa Packer, the Water Cure property, consisting of building and twenty 
acres of ground, was purchased, and presented to the Board of Trustees. 
Early in June 1876, the removal was made to the present building. The work 
of raising money and other means for the maintenance of the Hospital is 
largely assisted by the Ladies Aid Society of St. Luke's Hospital, whose 
officers are as follows:
 President, Mrs. Robert H. Sayre

Secretary, Mrs. Tinsley Jeter

Treasurer, Mrs. B. C. Webster

executive Committee, consisting of the officers above named, together with 
Mrs. E. P. Wilbur, Mrs, Henry Coppee, and Mrs, Cortlandt Whitehead. 

  The officers for the present year (1877), the: Board of 

Trustees-President, Rt. Rev .M. A. De Howe
First Vice-President, Rt. Rev, E. de Schweinitz
Second Vice-President, Rev. W. C. Cultell, D.D.
Secretary, W, H. Chandler, Ph.D.
Treasurer, E. P. Wilbur, South Bethlehem. 

Executive Committee-
William H. Chandler, Chairman
H. Stanley Goodwin, Secretary
Tinsley Jeter
B. C. Webster
Robert H. Sayre
John Smylie, Jr.
William L. Dunglison
Wm. H. Sayre
A. H. Fracker.


  Established in 1868, under the auspices of the Episcopal Church, and 
opened on the fifth of September in that year. 

  First Board Of Trustees, 
Rt. Rev. William Bacon Stevens, Bishop of Pennsylvania
Rev. Eliphalet Nott Potter
Tinsley Jeter
Robert H. Sayre
William H. Sayre, Jr.
James Jenkins
H. Stanley Goodwin
Henry Coppee

First Principal, Miss Edith L. Chase (from 1868 to 1870)

Second Principal, Miss Fanny L. Walsh since 1870).

  The Bishopthorpe School property owned by the Board of Trustees, consists 
of the buildings Dow occupied, together with large lot of ground, 300 x 720 
feet, and bounded by Delaware avenue on the southeast; Bishopthorpe street 
on the northeast; and Jeter avenue street on the northwest.

  The present officers are as follows 
President of the Board, Rt. Rev. M. De W. Howe, D.D., Reading, Pa.
Secretary and Treasurer, William L. Dunglison (since 1870)
Principal, Miss Fanny I. Walsh

          THE CHURCH OF THE NATAVITY (Protestant Episcopal.)

  It is believed that the first regular services held in Bethlehem, 
according to the order of the Protestant Episcopal Church, were conducted 
during the summer Of 1855, in the Temperance Hall, on Broad street. But 
the movement having for its object the formation of an Episcopal 
congregation and the erection of a church was begun in May 1862.

  At that time a meeting was held of the communicants of that church, then 
resident in South Bethlehem, at which meeting eight were present. A 
Sunday-school was immediately organized in the station of the North 
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, starting with ten teachers and fifty-two 

  In July, of the same year, the Rev. Eliphalet N. Potter was appointed to 
this place, in conjunction with Allentown. In June, of the next year, 1863, 
the church was recognized by the Convention Of Pennsylvania, and elected 
the Rev. Mr. Potter as their first rector.

 The church building was located in South Bethlehem, because no other house 
of worship had as yet been erected on south side of the river, and it lot 
was purchased at a nominal price from Messrs. Kent, Hacker &, Shipley. The 
church was erected in 1863 and 1864, Mr. E. T. Potter, of New York. being 
the architect.

  The corner-stone was laid August 6th, 1863, and the church was 
consecrated April 19th, 1865. A rectory was built in 1865-66.

First vestry-

Tinsley Jeter
William H. Sayre
Robert H. Sayre
William H. Sayre, Jr.
John Smylie, all of South Bethlehem 
Ira Cortright, Bethlehem
Asa Packer, Mauch Chunk
Solomon W. Roberts, of Philadelphia

  In 1868, the Rev. R. N. Potter resigned the rectorship, and on 
March 1st, 1869, Rev. Robert J. Nevin succeeded to the charge. On the first 
of November, of the same year, the Rev. John I. Forbes became acting rector 
in the absence of the Rev. Mr. Nevin, in Europe. January 8th, 1870, the 
Rev. Mr. Nevin resigned, and was succeeded on November 1st, 1870, by the 
present incumbent, the Rev. Cortlandt Whitehead.

  In May, 1876, the Church of the Nativity was elaborately painted in 
polychrome, and now stands as one of the most beautiful and best appointed 
churches in the Lehigh Valley.

  The parochial statistics for the year 1876, were as follows:

Families, 75
baptized during the year, 21 
since the organization of the parish, 350
confirmed during the year 13
since organization, 217
present number of communicants, 117
connected with the parish since its organization, 335
marriages, 2
since organization, 30
buried, 11
since organization, 72

Sunday-school teachers, 21

Sunday-school pupils, 300

Offering for Parish purposes during the year, $3,807 86
Offering for the Diocese during the year         708 19
Offering for the Missions, &C,                   348 64
                                              $4,864 69

Rev. Cordandt Whitehead

William H, Sayre
Henry Coppee, LL.D. 

Vestry men-
Robert H. Sayre
John Smylie, Jr.
C. M. Dodson
Wm. L. Dunglison
Tinsley Jeter
H.S. Goodwin


  Was incorporated in 1872, and located their cemetery on a plot of seven 
acres of ground, known in early times as "Das Buchweizenfeld," i.e. the 
buckwheat-field, occupying the extreme western limit of the Hoffert farm, 
subsequently owned by Augustus Fiot and after his decease, purchased by 
Tinsley Jeter.

  The first officers were:
President, George Ziegenfuss

Vice-President, H. K. Shatter

Secretary, O. K. Wilt.

  The first interment was made August 28th, 1872, being an infant son of 
Jacob and Rebecca Bingel.


                    THE BOROUGH OF SOUTH EASTON

  THE location of South Easton is on the south bank of the Lehigh River, 
directly opposite the town of Easton. It was, originally a portion of the 
township of Williams, and a part of the present site of the town was, in 
years long past, a farm, owned by Melchoir Hay. 

  The ancestor of the Hay family of later date, and one of the axemen who 
helped to clear away the thickets in the Forks of the Delaware and along 
the Bushkill, for Parsons and Scull, when they laid out the town of Easton 
in 1750.  His tract was three hundred acres in extent, and was (probably on 
account of services rendered to the agents of the Proprietaries) freed 
forever from the usual quit-rent, which, at the rate, would have amounted 
to 12s. 6d. or $1.66 per annum, on the entire tract.

  Jacob Everly, of Nazareth, purchased the three hundred acres (there was 
another, small lot belonging to the Hay property) in the year 1796, and two 
years later sold it again to Henry Snyder, of Easton, for eight hundred 
pounds. It continued as simply a farm tract for thirty years, when it fell 
into the hands of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, and by them the 
town of South Easton (the first modest commencement of the present borough) 
was laid out in the year 1833.

  It was incorporated as a borough July 8th, 1840. An Act of Assembly had 
been passed May 27th, 1840, entitled "An Act to erect the town of South 
Easton, in the county of Northampton, into a borough, and for other 
purposes," which Act directed an election to be held at the house of David 
Moyer, in said borough, "To elect one citizen who shall be styled Burgess; 
and six citizens who shall be a Council, and shall also elect, as 
aforesaid, a High Constable." 

  Such election having been held on the fourth of July, 1840, the following 
officers were duly elected
Burgess-Christian Martin

Wm. Nyce
Bartholomew Murtha
Amos Rogers
Gilbert Valentine
Geo. Savage
David Moyer 

High Constable
Jacob Deiley

  In the year 1865, the borough was made subject to the restrictions, 
imposed and invested with all the privileges and powers conferred, by "An 
Act regulating boroughs," etc., passed in 1851.

  It was the canal outlet, and the very extensive water-power furnished by 
the canal, which induced the establishment of the town by the company in 
1833. Apart, front these the advantages of location would never have been 
thought sufficient to invite the establishment of business, other than that 
of agriculture.

                    INITIAL ENTERPRISES.

  The first enterprise of the nature of manufacturing, which was 
established at South Easton, was a saw-mill, erected in 1832, by A. Abbott 
and James McKeen.


  In the winter of 1833-34, Messrs. Bush & Paling started a patent bucket-
factory, but this was an unsuccessful enterprise, and its duration was 
short. They failed in 1836, and the building was then purchased by a Mr. 
Jones, who converted it into a Grist Mill which was at first but a small 
affair with one run of stones, but it was soon after purchased by Clark & 
Maxwell, who enlarged it to nearly three times its former size, and made it 
two-stories in height, and the firm carried on the enlarged business for 
some time. Then Clark retired and the mill was operated by Maxwell alone. 

  In 1867 the firm became Maxwell & Palmer, and six years later Maxwell 
retired, leaving the business solely to Mr. Palmer, who is still the 
proprietor.  The mill has now three-run of stones and does a good business.


  Amos Rogers was the first, to open the business of blacksmithing in South 
Easton. He built the first shop in 1834, and continued uninterruptedly in 
the calling until 1870, when he was obliged to retire on account of failing 
health. He made the picks which were used in the excavation for the first 
cotton-mill, the Glendon Furnace, and rolling-mill; and for several years 
be had eight men in his employ.

  Joseph Waltman was the first house-carpenter in the town, he having built 
a house here in the fall of 1834.

                       THE FIRST PUBLIC HOUSE.

  In the town was licensed in April 1834, and opened by Henry Eichman, at, 
the corner of Canal and Delaware streets; the site of the present hotel of 
John Young.

                             THE FIRST STORE.

  Was opened in 1834, by Philip H. Depui. It was a small grocery store, 
near the corner of Canal and Abbott streets, It was the only store in South 
Easton for settle years, until the general store of Nice & McKeen was 

                           THE FIRST PHYSICIAN.

  Was Dr. Alexander Gaston, who came here from West Chester. One of the first 
householders of the town was Amos Rogers, who is still living, the oldest, 
resident of South Easton.

                           A SECOND FLOUR-MILL.

  Was erected by Charles Swift, in 1834 it was a stone structure, and used 
as a merchant flouring-mill, he continued the business for twelve or 
fourteen years when he failed and it passed into the hands of Thomas 
Stewart, and then of R M. Wells, who continued in business until 1855 or 
1856. He took the mill, and started the foundry and machine business in 
partnership with James Kidd. 

  In this building was built the engine and boiler of the steamboat Alfred 
Thomas,1 which exploded on the Delaware River, in 1860, The building was 
then sold to Stewart & Co.

                          THE SPINNING OF COTTON.

  Has had place among the industries of South Easton, since the year 1835, 
when it was commenced by Swift & Beck. Their enterprise, wag the pioneer of 
the business, which has become so important it branch of industry in the 
borough, in the years which have succeeded.


  About the year 1836, the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company offered a 
premium of 100,000 tons of coal to the person who should first discover a 
practicable method of smelting ore by the use of anthracite. This induced 
many to make the attempt, among whom was James Van Buren, of the State of 
New York-a relative of President Van Buren-who came to South Easton and 
built an anthracite furnace, in which to experiment  with a view to Secure 
the reward. But, after spending two years and large sums of money in the 
attempt, be continued unsuccessful, and was obliged to abandon the project, 
which was eventually wound up by a sheriffs sale. The furnace built by Mr. 
Van Buren is still standing. Mr. David Thomas, however, who was 
experimenting in Catasauqua, finally achieved success, and received the 
100,000 tons of coal he was the founder of the Crane Iron Company; the 
first which successfully used anthracite for smelting, in the United States.

  For making pig-iron, was erected in South Easton, in 1839, by Barnet, 
Swift, & Company. The blast was driven by, the water-power of the canal.  
The fuel used was charcoal, from near the Lehigh Water Gap. The ore smelted 
was principally the brown hematite, mined at the base of the South 
Mountain, with a small proportion of magnetic ore from New Jersey. The 
furnace produced about twenty-five tons per week. In 1844, the furnace, 
together with the large stone foundry annexed, came into possession of 
Frederick Goddell, who demolished the furnace, and on its site erected a 
new one, in which anthracite was used.

                              A BLAST-FURNACE.

  For making pig-iron, was erected in South Easton, by 1839, by Barnet, 
Swift, & Company.  The blast was driven by the water-power of the canal The 
fuel used was charcoal, from Deny the Lehigh Witter Gap. The ore smelted 
was principally the brown hematite, ruined at the base of the South 
Mountain, with a small proportion of magnetic ore from New Jersey. The 
furnace produced about twenty-five tons per week. In 1844, the furnace, 
together with the large stone foundry annexed, came into possession of 
Frederick Goddell, who demolished the furnace, and on its site, erected a 
new one, in which anthracite was used.

                          OPENING OF THE RAILROAD.

  The first charter of the Lehigh Valley Railroad was obtained in 
April 1846, but so great were the obstacles to construction, and so many 
the changes, that the. projectors found themselves under the necessity of 
asking, for various causes, that it was not until November 27th, 1852, that 
the great rock cut below South Easton was commenced. It was a heavy 
undertaking, but it was necessary that it should be made, to give the road 
an outlet across the Delaware.  Hon. Asa Packer was the contractor for the 
work, and he pushed it on with so much vigor that the road was delivered to 
the company, and was ready for the opening of traffic, on the twenty-fourth 
of September, 1855. Trains, however, had run through from South Easton to 
Allentown from June 11th of that year. 

  The first railroad bridge by which the tracks crossed the Delaware, was a 
two-storied affair, over the upper of which the trains of life, Central and 
Valley roads could pass, and the lower of which was for the tracks of the 
Belvidere Delaware, which, however, rose to the grade of the Lehigh Valley 
Road, about half a mile further up the river.  This old arrangement has 
been done away for some years, and flow, over the magnificent new iron 
bridge, the trains all cross the Delaware on a level.

  The opening of the railroad at South Easton was of course, the 
commencement of a new era in the towns prosperity, and from that time 
until the revulsion of 1873, her progress has been very gratifying.
In 1850, the number of dwelling houses in South Easton was one hundred and 
thirty-three; number of families two hundred and seventy; population, 1,511.

                      SOUTH EASTON ASSESSMENT OF 1853.

Valuation of Real Estate,                                 $2,559,133
Valuation of Occupation and Professions,                      57,775
Excess Occupations and Professions,                            8,575
Money at Interest,                                            19,350
Valuation of 117 horses, and 35 Cows,                          7,571
Valuation of 20 Pleasure Carriages,                            1,130
Valuation of Cabs, Stages, &c.,                                  525
Excess of Furniture,                                             700
Watches,                                                         600
Whole amount of Valuation,                                  $357,389
Number of taxables,                                              419
States Taxes,                                                $954 32
County Taxes,                                                 834 61
State School Tax,                                             147 24


1. Immediately after the explosion of the Alfred Thomas viz:
 March 28th, 1860, the boiler of the locomotive "Excelsior" exploded on the 
Lehigh Valley Railroad, near South Easton.  The locomotive had attached to 
it a lot of empty cattle cars and a passenger car. The shock was terrible! 
windows were broken across the Lehigh, and pieces of the boiler, burs, 
screws, &c., were scattered in all directions. A bell, weighing about 
eighty pounds, was picked up two or three squares from the locomotive after 
the explosion. There were three men on the locomotive when the explosion occurred-

Geo, Winters, engineer, who was cut on the forehead
J. Bullman, brakeman, had his arm dislocated, his leg cut, and received 
other injuries in different parts of his person
Wm. Pharos, brakesman who had his left arm badly cut, and was injured in 
the side. 
A fireman-Mr. Hampton-on the locomotive "Bushkill" which stood near the 
"Excelsior," received a number of bruises
Thos. Eroms, who happened to be passing at the time of the accident, was 
cut about the body
but none of them were so injured as to endanger life. The boiler was blown 
out in front which saved the lives of those who were on the locomotive. Had 
it gone in the direction of the fire-box Winters, Bullman, and Pharos, 
would have been killed instantly.


  Prior to the year 1853, when the construction of the Lehigh Valley 
Railroad was commenced, the borough contained three large farms and two or 
three, smaller tracts, all under cultivation; and no buildings, excepting 
the farm buildings, were then located south of Nesquehoning street; and in 
what is now First Ward all the building, were located on the low land near 
Canal street. In this Ward, a short distance east of the Lehigh Valley 
Railroad depot, on the opposite side of the street, stands the old college 
building; the spot where originated the enterprise which resulted in the 
establishing of Lafayette College.

  The building of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, and the locating of the 
round-house and company machine-shops in this place, gave new life and 
vigor to all enterprises within the borough. The cotton manufacturing 
company, and the rolling-mill company, improved and enlarged their 
manufacturing capacities; and improvements of many kinds sprang tip in 
rapid succession.

  About this time, the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company disposed of their 
farm, from Wilkesbarre street southward, to J. C. Wirebach, who immediately 
threw lots into market at very low and easy rates, and building and 
improvement on the hill went on rapidly.

  The Packer, and the Utt farms were also recently purchased by 
enterprising parties; the former by a company of individuals, and the 
latter by Charles Seits and brother, who have had the same surveyed and 
laid out in town lots; and many improvements have already been made, so 
that both extremes of the borough are now being built tip and otherwise 

  In the past year, the borough was divided, by decree of Court, into the 
First, Second, and Third Wards, This, in connection with the macadamizing 
of Canal street its entire length, the erection of street lamps, the 
guarding by substantial nailing, the dangerous thoroughfares, and the 
purchase of the block adjoining the works of the company, by the Lehigh 
Valley Railroad, constitute the latest and most important improvements.

  The business of the town, at present, is confined principally to its 
western portion, which is about half a mile from where. the Lehigh bridge 
crosses to Easton; the intervening space, however, is mostly built upon, 
and plank and brick walks laid the entire distance for the accommodation of 
pedestrians, The walks and curbs in the thickly settled portion of the town 
are somewhat similar to those of Easton, and present as neat and 
substantial an appearance. 

  The greater number of the houses are brick structures, some of them 
surrounded by gardens. About the centre of the town rises a small hill, 
called Mount Tabor. 

  Directly behind this hill is a collection of houses, called Uttsville, 
though it is within the limits of South Easton, and forms part of the 
borough. From the appearance it has of being cut off entirely from the 
town, it is generally known by the above name. 

  The cluster of houses, some of ancient, but more of modern architecture, 
situated between the bridge and the plank walk, in the extreme eastern 
portion of the borough, is commonly known by the lively name of "Peppertown."

  Prior to the year 1857, the prosperity of South Easton depended mainly on 
the furnaces and cotton-mills, which were about the only industries of the 
place at that time. During the hours of labor, the town presented a 
deserted appearance, but when the welcome sound of gong, or steam-whistle, 
so tided the note of relaxation, and told that the days weary toil was over. 

  Then it was that the streets presented an animated appearance, as the 
tired laborers took their way towards home; and a visitor to South Easton 
would readily see that the people of the borough did not spend their time 
in idleness. Extensive shops were built for the newly completed railroad, 
and the labor and money expended on these, in addition to the other causes, 
gave a brisk impetus to the growth of the borough, and caused new dwellings 
to spring up in every portion of its area.

  At the present time, South Easton is to a great extent -sustained by 
these shops, furnishing, as they do, employment to a large number of the 
inhabitants, They are located on Iron street and the Glendon road.

  South Easton now contains a population of about 4,000, and more than five 
hundred dwellings. Within the borough limits are 
three rolling-mills
three wire-mill
one cotton-spinning
one weaving-mill
one grist
two blacksmith-shops
three carpet weaving establishments
six dry-goods and grocery stores
one coal yard
one lumber yard
four hotels

  Among the principal of which is the Mount Pleasant (formerly Merchant's) 
Hotel situated on the highlands overlooking the Lehigh and Delaware rivers. 
There is also 
one boot and shoe shop
two drug stores
one attorney
four physicians
five commissioned Justices of the Peace

There are no water-works for the convenience of the citizens of the 
borough; they depend entirely on cisterns and wells for their water supply. 
The reservoir built by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company has been 
abandoned, as it was found impossible to prevent its losing the supply by 
leakage-whether from defect in construction, or otherwise, does not appear. 
Gas is supplied to the townspeople by the Easton Gas Company.

                       THE FRANKLIN FIRE COMPANY.

  Which is the only fire company in this borough, was established about the 
year 1840. At that time it was known as the Pocahontas Fire Company, and 
was organized by the older citizens of the borough. It was conducted by 
them for a few years, when it passed into the hands of the young men.

  The old Pocahontas company, used a hand-engine built in New York, but 
after the younger men took the matter in hand, they purchased a steamer 
from the Franklin Fire Company of Philadelphia, and the fact of this name 
being handsomely marked upon the apparatus, induced the company to change 
their name to FRANKLIN. This was done in 1852, and they used the steamer 
without any alteration of the name.

  James Young was the president of the company. The engine-house is located 
on Mauch Chunk street near Centre. It is a two-story brick structure. The 
company has the steamer, a hose-carriage, and the old hand-engine, formerly 
used by the Pocahontas company. 

  The present officers are: 

William Scott, President
G. Young, Treasurer
Chester Smith, Secretary
David Laubach, Engineer

                        THE LEHIGH VALLEY COTTON MILLS.

  Owned and operated (both the spinning and weaving-mills) by 
McKeon & Raphael. These mills are the lineal descendants of the first 
cotton-spinning establishment, started by Swift and Beek, in 1835. From 
their proprietorship the, mills passed, in 1844, into the hands of McKeon 
and Quinn, who enlarged and extended the business.

  In 1872, the firm name was changed to McKeen & Raphael, as at present. The 
mills now employ about three, hundred hands, and consume in manufacture, 
eight hundred thousand pounds of raw cotton annually, producing two and a 
half million yards of cotton stripes and ticks. Their motive power is 
furnished from the canal. The weaving-mill of to-day, is the same 
establishment which was built by P. S. Michler & Co as a rifle-factory.

                           SOUTH EASTON FURNACE.

  This stands upon the site, and is the successor of the old blast-furnace, 
built in 1839, by Barnet, Swift & Company. Prior to 1852, it had fallen 
into possession of B. B. Thomas, who, in that year demolished the old 
furnace, and erected the present one on the site; its height being 
forty-eight feet, and width fourteen feet at the boshes. Its first 
production was one hundred tons per week. The blast was heated by gas, 
taken from the furnace, six feet below the tunnel-head. In 1854, this 
furnace passed into the hands of it,- present owners, the Glendon Iron 
Company. Its present capacity is about ten thousand tons per annum. It is 
under the superintendence of Mr. William Firmstone.

                      THE ROLLING-MILLS AND WIRE-WORKS.

  Of Stewart & Company, are located on the banks of the Lehigh Coal and 
Navigation Company's canal, The works were originally started about 1837, 
for the manufacture of nails; the proprietors of the enterprise being John 
Stewart, Charles Rodenbough, John Green and others. Their nails were 
manufactured from the best Juniata bloom iron, and when, in consequence of 
the high price of this first-class material, and also of other parties 
manufacturing from inferior stock, and underselling the market, it became a 
question of quitting the trade or of relinquishing their rule and using a 
poorer quality of iron, they abandoned the nail business; still rigidly 
adhering to the policy of using none but the best material, in the 
manufacture of their wire. This they obtained principally in the States of 
Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and Maryland, although some of it is 
obtained in Canada.

  In 1852, Charles Rodenbough retired from the firm, and the firms title 
then became Stewart & Company, in 1864, John Stewart retired from his 
active connection with the mills. They are at present under the direction 
of Charles Stewart, E. H. Green, and Clement Stewart. The natural result of 
the care taken in the preparation of their wire is seen in the high 
reputation which it holds, and the good price which it always commands. The 
individual members of the firm have ever given their personal supervision 
to every detail of the works, leaving nothing to outside superintendents.

  The works at first produced about twenty-five thousand bundles of wire 
annually, and the increase, has been steady, but gradual, until they now 
turn out fully one hundred thousand bundles each year. At first there 
entire force was only about forty-five hands, now one hundred and 
seventy-five, find constant employment. In 1860 in order to meet the 
demands of their increasing trade, it was necessary to add another mill to 
the works; and in 1870, still another addition was requisite. The buildings 
are, now known as mills numbers one, two, and three. They have a frontage 
of eleven hundred feet, and are run entirely by water-power, from the 
Lehigh Canal. The firm have now in operation three rolling, and three 
wire-mills, and employ about The owners still use nothing but the best 
charcoal blooms.


                         THE BRIDGE MANUFACTORY.

  Located a short distance above the Railroad station, is under the 
Superintendency of William Kellogg, The Collectors office, of the Lehigh 
Coal and Navigation Company, is located on the Lehigh, about a quarter of a 
mile above depot.


 Columbia Lodge, No. 139, I. O. of O. F. -At a special session of the Grand
Lodge I. O. O. F. held at South Easton, December 3d, 1873, there were present: 

Theodore Schug, G. M.
Jas. Young, D. G. M.
Gen. P. Wright, G. W.
Robert P. Horn, G. M. 
Gen. G. Zone, G. Secy.
Wm. Datesman, G. Treas.
Aaron Unangst
J. Lent

  After the secretary read the names of the petitioners, the D. G. Master 
declared Columbia Lodge No. 139, duly authorized to transact business.1

G. Wm.. Carroll, V. G.
Wm. M. Scott, Secy.
John Young, Tress.
C. I. Eaton, Asst. Secy.

 Number of members, ninety-six

  South Easton Division, No. 82, B. of L. E., instituted twenty-seventh of 
January, 1877, meets fourth Sunday, at Broggs Hall

Chief, E. Steiner
F. E., R. Bush
S. E., C. Lesley
F A. E., W. Hoffman
S. A. E., J. Brown
T. A. E., A. Zwier; Guide
William Pendergast
Chaplain, G. Lander

                     DEFUNCT LODGES, I. O. O. F.

  Delaware Lodge, No. 73, surrendered its charter about the year 1850 and
has not reclaimed it since. This lodge was located to the borough of Easton.

  Friends of Peace Lodge, No.-, located at South Easton, also surrendered its 
charter many years ago and still remains among the defunct.

                          POSTAL FACILITIES.

  The first Post Office was established in South Easton, in 1858, with 
Terrence Barrington as Postmaster.  He was succeeded by Emanuel Schilling, 
who, in turn, was succeeded by James Young. After him came Joseph Moyer and 
Aaron Demer. The office was closed in 1873 and the carrier system 
established, as explained in the history of the Easton Post Office.


  The schools of the borough have increased in number, from four, in 1853, 
to eleven at present, graded as follows:
four primary schools, with an average of three hundred add eighty-four scholars
three secondary schools, with an average of one hundred and seventy scholars
two grammar schools, with eighty-eight scholars
one mixed secondary and grammar school, with sixty-two scholars, 
one high school, with about fifty scholars.

  There were twelve teachers employed for these schools. There are nine 
School months each year.  The principal of the mills, schools receives 
seventy-five dollars per month, and the average of the other male teachers 
is about sixty dollars per month. The female principal receives forty-five 
dollars, and the other female teachers, an average of forty dollars per month.

  The first School Directors which we have record of in 1843, were:
 Messrs. Frantz, Lane, Moyer, Abel, Martin, and Kidd. At that time there 
were three teachers, employed, one male and two females. Miss Ellen M. 
Davis and Miss Sophia Felt, at a salary of thirteen dollars per month, and 
Mr. H. W. Bixby at twenty-three dollars.

  In the year 1853, the Town Hall and the old school house, nearly 
opposite, were the only public school buildings in the borough. Soon after 
this the two-story building near the Town Hall was erected, and after this, 
the old engine house was purchased by the Board, but was in a few years 
sold again.

  Next, what is known as the Uttsville School House, was erected. Then the
two-story brick, on the corner of Centre street and Church alley. A few
years afterward, the Lehigh Hill School House was erected, and lastly in
1875, was built the addition on Church alley. The Board, at present, 
occupies a retired room on the corner of Berwick and Iron streets.

  The condition of the borough school has been, at times, very excellent, 
while at other times the reverse was the case.

  However, the rising generation of South Easton (excepting those who 
instead of enjoying the benefits of the public schools, are at hard labor 
in the manufacturing establishments from early childhood, and such as never 
attend, although engaged at no other business) is, perhaps, equally well 
trained, intellectually, with any of the surrounding districts.



  In 1834, a class of thirty-two members was formed, and they worshiped in 
a school house until 1813, when they organized a Board of Trustees, and a 
frame church was built in which the members worshiped until 1860. They then 
built a commodious brick church in which the society now statedly, worship, 
It is located at the corner of Mauch Chunk and Delaware streets, In 1875 
they built a parsonage on a part of the church lot, The property of the 
church is now valued at $19,000. There are one hundred and seventy-five 
members connected with the church and the Sabbath-schools have five hundred 
scholars. H. B. Manger is the present pastor.


  Was built in 1852.


  The first pastor was Rev. Rudolph Ettenhoffer, who officiated until 1853, 
when he was succeeded by 

Rev. Mr. Tancer, who remained until the middle of 1860
when Rev. John Vallmyer became pastor. He remained one year, till 1861
when Rev. Joseph A. Stangel followed him, for a short term.

Rev. John B. Fresch next officiated, holding the pastorate for nearly eight 
years, and died in 1870. He was buried in the yard near the church. His 
death was much lamented by his people, as he was greatly beloved.

The pastorate being vacant, Rev. J. F. Fechtel took charge and remained 
until the middle of 1870, when he was succeeded by
Rev. Hebert Schick, who continued until the close of 1874

Rev. John J. Albert next succeeded, but his stay was not long with the 
church, for in June, 1875, he was called away by death

Rev. Jas. A. Kemmerling is the present pastor

  The number of communicants is about 1,100.

  The Benedictine Sisters have a school connected with the church, and have 
from two hundred and fifty to three, hundred children under their charge. 
The school was established about the year 1852, by Rev. Rudolph 
Ettenhoffer. The first school was held in the basement of the church. The 
first teacher was Mr. Mattes, now at Nazareth. He continued about one year, 
and was followed by Mr. Ruetter, (now of Allentown), who remained a teacher 
until 1855. Mr. F. H. Shulz continued about three years. From this time up 
to 1873, various teachers were employed Mr. Leo. Gotthard served as teacher 
for nearly five years during the intern. In 1873, the charge of the school 
was given to the Benedictine Sisters, of Elizabeth, N. J., who have ever 
since ministered to its wants, supplying teachers, &c. In 1869, the school 
was removed from the basement of the church to the present commodious 
quarters near the church. A good common school education is given in both 
languages, German and English, wholly at the expense of the church.
  Mr. F. H. Shulz, former teacher, is now organist and teacher at Holy 
Trinity Church, Philadelphia.

                            BURIAL PLACES.


  Is a handsome ground, located on St. Joseph street, near the church. The 
precise date, of its establishment is not known.


  Was incorporated in 1863. The officers are six Trustees, who have the 
entire management of the cemetery.

  The grounds are about eight acres in extent; five acres of which was 
taken from the "Packer farm," being donated by Hon. Asa Packer; another 
part was deeded by Mr. William Gould; and besides these, the cemetery 
includes the old "Hays Burial Ground," which forms the southeastern corner 
of the cemetery grounds, This old burial place was donated by Mr. John 
Odenwelder, in 1812.  It is a very old place of interment, and many persons 
of prominence upon both sides of the Lehigh lie buried there. Formerly a 
wooden chapel stood opposite the old graveyard, on the south, but this was 
taken down at the time of the erection of the new brick chapel in the 
cemetery, about 1861. The cemetery is well-kept and a very handsome one.

  The brick chapel, above mentioned, is, as was its wooden predecessor, the 
house of worship (called the UNION CHURCH), alternately, of the Lutheran 
and Reformed Congregations of South Easton.

1. This was the reorganization; the Columbia having been instituted some 
years before, and having, after a time, surrendered its charter.



  Is an enclosure located on Nesquehoning street, and set apart for the 
purpose which its name denotes.

  The present territory of the borough extends; along the bank of the 
Lehigh, from the Easton Lehigh Bridge to the Borough of Glendon, a distance 
of about two miles, with an average breadth of about two-thirds of a mile. 
The entire borough is now laid out in squares, and these are again divided 
into lots, although many of the streets are not yet opened for public use.

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